Monday, October 11, 2010

Crochet Update

Before the school holidays, I finally finished my last granny square for the throw blanket I am making for Miss Five.  Here they are...

All one hundred and sixteen!  I didn't do any crochet over the holidays but now they are all laid out on the loungeroom floor and I am painstakingly slip-stitching them together.  It feels like it's taking forever but I keep reminding myself that it takes time to sew love into every stitch and you can't get that out of a mass made product from China.

And because it's fun to add to the chaos by having more than one project going at anytime (am I the only person who does that?) I decided to teach myself how to ripple!  I've noticed lots of ripple and zigzag blankets happening in the crochety world of late and they all look pretty swish.  And since my nextdoor neighbour is pregnant I thought it would be a fabulous opportunity to ripple a baby blanket - something of a size that's not too daunting and that I'd be able to whip up a whole lot quicker than Miss Five's throw.

The lovely Hilary from here gave me a link to a marvelous rippley tutorial from over here.  I had seen this tute ages ago but forgot to bookmark it and then couldn't remember where it was.  So thanks, Hilary!!  (You should definately check out Hilary's awesome rippley goodness, I love the colours she is using)

Anyway, it seemed fairly straightforward with a couple of things I needed to learn (increasing and decreasing stitches) so I started on a small sample.  To begin with you have to chain a certain amount of stitches and then work your next row of stitches into the chain.

Well, I am not one for swearing (there are way too many other delightful words to use) and my hubby and close friends will tell you that when I swear they come running cause I clearly have good cause.  But working the first row of stitches into the chain?  That was an absolute bee eye tee cee aitch, let me tell you!!  To prove my point, here is my first attempt...

Gracious!  What the heck is that thing??  My tension is all over the shop and it doesn't even come close to resembling anything remotely ziggy or zaggy.  And getting my hook into each chain was absolute murder.  I came very, very close to ending up the same way Pip from Meet Me At Mikes did when she first attempted learning to crochet.  She cried, people.  And I now understand completely why she did that.  I do.

But instead of succumbing to the tears, I blinked a lot, cut that attempt off, went and had a cup of tea, came back, took a really deep breath, exhaaaaaaaaaaaaaled and began again.  This time I went awfully slowly and carefully, watching my tension and being really, really patient with those chains.  And look what happened!!

It's not perfect but it's much better, isn't it? It's quite ziggy.  And the second row was a breeze.  I can definately handle that problematic chain knowing how easy the rows afterwards will be

So after a little more practice I have some lovely white, navy and two nice blues to start rippling with (yes, my neighbour is having a boy).  Wish me luck!


  1. Wow! 116 granny squares. That's a lot of crochet! I am knitting a bunny for my new niece at the moment and when I am done I want to knit a blanket. It is going to take me forever but it will look amazing in the end so I know its worth it. I just hope I don't get bored to stop halfway through. Its going to be a zig zag blanket too.

  2. Super lovely. I daren't start another project, I'm only half way (not even really) with my own blanket. Having said that, I have been attempting to crochet some booties for a friend, and let me tell you, they look wrong. Very wrong.

  3. Yes, quite ziggy...

    White bordered granny squares are my favourite. Excellent work - just beautiful.

  4. WOW that is a lot of granny squares! Lovely lovely colours :o)

  5. Lovely colour choices for the granny squares. Winders what a cup of tea and some deep breathing will do to calm the nerves, isn't it? You are set to start the next blanket. Good luck with all that slip stitching.

  6. What a lucky girl Miss Five is! I had planned to make a similar blanket for my little girl but instead opted for a Granny Stripe blanket like the one Lucy at Attic24 made. Can't wait to see how you fare with the ripple blanket - I've been eyeing then off too!

  7. Keep up the good work, their is so much effort put into creating such a beautiful throw, but it was made with love and hopefully will last a lifetime.

    Isn't it wonderful what a cuppa can do, I also have those moments.

    Enjoy your ziggin an a zaggin.

  8. Er, no. You are not the only one who has more than one project on the go. If I was honest, (which I'm not necessarily going to be) I would probably have to fess up to something in the region of twenty seven projectlets.

    I bet those granny ends are woven in. They're looking gloriously close to finished. You're SPRINTING down the home straight!

  9. Wow - your granny square blanket is going to be a masterpiece. Looks amazing.

  10. Lovely! I really need to learn to crochet. Can't wait to see how it looks finished.

  11. Oh your blanket for your daughter is stunning. I look forward to seeing it finished. As for your baby ripple blanket, once you get going, you will not be able to stop - trust me - lol. I love the ripple design. Thanks so much for sharing.
