Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Who would you invite?

Are you up for a game?

If you could invite five people (living or dead, real or fictional) to dinner, who would they be?

The Dinner Party by Jules Alexandre Grun

I would choose...

Sir David Attenborough He would have so many interesting stories to tell!  Plus I know my daughter would drag out all her wildlife books and ask him dozens of questions...I hope he likes kids as much as animals!

Diana, Princess of Wales I just know she'd be lovely, don't you think?  And just imagine her stories!

Jamie Oliver He always seems to be up for a get-together...perhaps I could rope him into helping with dinner?  I hope he brings some free range meat and eggs to use - they'll go well with my garden fresh veg.

the fourth Doctor Who He holds a special spot in my heart seeing as he's the first Doctor I ever remember, he'd bring the TARDIS and K-9!  What's not to love about that?

and last, but definately not at all least, my best friend Jo, because it simply just wouldn't be the same without her.  I can't link to her, you'll just have to trust me that she's ace.

Who would you invite?  And why?  DO tell!

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