Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy 2017!

Wishing all my family, friends and followers a very happy 2017!

Do you make new years resolutions?  I don't usually but this year I have decided to concentrate on bringing more meaning into my life by looking at what I can do for others.  I have always tried to be helpful to my circle, but I am talking about going beyond that, to the community.  It's something valuable that can continue waaay beyond 2017, I think.  You never know how kind actions can ripple out into the bigger picture of things, you know?

I am starting this immediately by making some granny squares which I will be sending off to be created into blankets which will go to families in need of some handmade warmth and love.  This project comes courtesy of Full Tilt Nanna via Instagram and helps out St Kilda Mums.

Perhaps you would like to help too? You just need to be able to make some granny squares and post them off.  If you don't know how, maybe you can learn!  THESE are the tutes I used to learn how to granny.  Grannying is great!  And so is helping!  You don't even have to join the squares, just make 'em and send 'em away!  Give it a go!

If you'd like to join in, please click here to sign up via Instagram and get the details.

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